Tag Archives: healthy

Grow Long Healthy Hair

I love and am so jealous of those few people that are blessed with thick, beautiful healthy hair.



What do they do? Well most of them are just genetically gifted. But for us others we can help our hair grow healthier and longer.

Washing your hair is important for healthy hair. Eating right is also very important for healthy hair, you are what you eat. So let’s get down to the nitty gritty.

Washing your hair, here is a how to video:

I like to apply conditioner to the tips of my hair before I wash.

Top five things to help grow long healthy hair. Now remember, once  your hair is damaged, you cannot fix it, you can just help the new growth and strengthen the growth you have, for less breakage.

1. You will want to once a week, wash out the build up of products. Healthy hair needs an apple cider vinegar rinse that will not hurt your hair color and will rinse out the build up. To safely rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar, mix four parts water to one part vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray your scalp well and work it into your hair. Let the vinegar  sit for a few minutes and then rinse with cool water.

2. Hydrate. Your body needs water and so does your hair. So at least 8 glasses a day girls.

3. Sun damage is not good for your hair. Wear a hat, this is good for your face too!

4. Use leave in conditioner. I like Paul Mitchell and Suave has a new one that is lighter and smells good. This will protect your ends from your daily routine. To grow long Healthy hair it needs strength too. So a hot oil is good for the scalp and hair, you can use olive oil and cover with a shower cap and then put a warm towel on top ( I use the dryer to heat the towel) relax and then when it is cool, time to rinse your hair.

You can also leave conditioner in your hair overnight for a deep conditioning. Use a towel on your pillow (satin is best, for less drying) and then wash in the morning as normal.

5. Get a haircut to cut the ends and have healthy hair.

Ok, time to eat. A healthy diet is the best way to treat your hair and your body right. Your hair is 97% protein! Healthy hair is healthy eating. Without enough protein your body can’t replace the hairs that you naturally shed every day and what you do make can be dry, brittle, or weak.


Cybele Fishman, MD, “but with hair, it can take a few months for a nutritional deficiency or the effects of a crash diet to show up.”
The nutrients you eat today help fortify the hair follicle — from which each strand is born — and the scalp that surrounds it. “Healthier follicles? Healthier hair. Healthier scalp? Healthier hair!” Drayer says.
Of course, there’s more to your hair than what you eat. Smoking, hormonal imbalances, and not enough sleep can also affect how your hair is damaged.

10 Top Healthy Hair Foods

Web MD recommends
1. Salmon – rich in Omega 3 – Omega 3 at least 600-1000mg per day
2. Walnuts – rich in biotin and vitamin E –  biotin – 30mcg/day
via e – 15 mg/day
3. Oysters 3 oz a day – zinc  – zinc – 8 mg /day
4. Sweet potatoes or carrots, cantaloupe and apricots – beta carotene –  beta carotene – 15-180milligrams

5. Eggs loaded with minerals Helps carry oxygen to your hair follicles anemia causes hair loss

6. Spinach – iron, beta carotene and vitamin C –  75mg /day

7. Lentils – protein, iron, zinc, biotin

8. Greek yogurt – protein – 1 gm per body weight I.E. – 140 pds = 140 grams

9. Blueberries – Drayer says. C is critical for circulation to the scalp and supports the tiny blood vessels that feed the follicles. Too little C in your diet can lead to hair breakage Kiwis, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, and strawberries.

10. Poultry  – Protein, zinc, iron